Steph Hughes

Friday, March 30, 2012

The Young Lovers Boldly Crossed Nepean Highway


I've got some work and a little interview in this edition of a fine local publication called Art Park Journal, that's out now. Paul McNeil did the interview and I had no idea at the time but he did so many posters, album covers and Mambo shirt designs I love! Small, small world.

And some more updatage - here's some cutlery based logos I've cooked up, if that's your thing.


There are so many watercoloury things I've made lately that are bigger than my scanner! So, i'm going to bite the bullet and branch into this 'taking photos' thing that people do. Just give me a minute, and i'll work it out.

AND I'm about to launch headlong into a 'mural' map painting for the ABC in Melbourne. We're talking 3.10m x 1.50m. Technicolour! Progress reports to follow. And more, but I have to gather my wits and talk about that all later too ok.

Be good! x

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